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Get the Best Results.


The Making of
a Chemist

Cynthia's passion for hair and skin care led her down an unexpected path. Her professor saw a cosmetic chemist in the making during long hours in the lab. Though dreams of going pro in volleyball, Cynthia’s parents instilled skills to empower her gifts. She launched Cindy J Cosmetics to formulate dreams into products.


Cindy J Cosmetics skyrocketed, pivoting Cynthia’s focus. She strategically scaled up the business as a leading contract lab and manufacturer. Cynthia also founded The Cosmetic Concept, connecting entrepreneurs with resources to thrive. She carved her place as a woman of color pioneering in beauty.


Cynthia continues expanding Cindy J, creating jobs and uplifting her Baltimore community. She launched summer STEM programs to inspire diverse youth. After 300+ formulations, Cynthia pushes new boundaries in beauty, committed to helping entrepreneurs succeed. Her story empowers the next generation of leaders to own their gifts.

From vision to formulation,
we help you craft your story.

What our clients say

The Cosmetic concept

Take your beauty product from concept to reality.
Learn About The Cosmetic Concept

Learn About The Cosmetic Concept

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